A downloadable game

Summary -

Sleepover is a short survival-horror game where you are at a sleepover and there is a list of rules you must follow at nightfall to survive.

Inspired by Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion

Controls -

W, A, S, D - movement controls
E  - to interact
Mouse - to move camera

Controller Implementation is in development

Development Stage -

- House model
- Movement
- Tittle screen
- Pause menu
- All Enemies
- Dialog system
- Working ending
- Finished all maps
- Finished all 2D art
- Font w/ numbers
- controller implementation
- roguelike progression
- saved achievements
- the dumbass vent working

Release -

I have no idea when this is coming out
I expect to have the demo finished by the end of February, 2024.
- But no promises. 
- (don't count on it)

-It was not

Assuming I can get the vent working, I can probably get a demo out by  august 31st

Tools -

Here's a list of the tools I used to create what I have so far.

Engine - Unreal Engine 5.0.3 and 5.3.2
SFX - Audacity
Music - FL Studio 21
Pixel Textures - Piskel
Animations - Davinci resolve, Piskel

I'll add further updates here as I use more stuff

Gameplay Summary -

The game will have several entities that have different methods of being defeated.

These entities are named, The Visitor, The Vent, The Closet, The Hallway, The Slug, The Hag, The Hat man, and The Shower. These entities will be introduced in their respective chapter.

EX Links - 

I post updates on my projects my website - https://coffee-website-no-real-coffee.jimdosite.com 

for just sleepover updates https://the-sleep-over-logs.jimdosite.com/meta-updates/

Lore Website (Outdated Lore) https://the-sleep-over-logs.jimdosite.com

Discord - https://discord.com/invite/EWaDtuPc45

Youtube - I don't have anything related to this project on there yet btw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXX69Y_DT7Cfwdo0sx1BhWg